Fat Reduction with truSculpt

Summer is just around the corner, which means beautiful days spent at the beach, holidays by the pool, on the lake or wherever you enjoy spending a long hot summer’s day.

Are you dreading those summer days? Having to bare skin when you aren’t happy with your body? Wishing you could get rid of some troublesome fat areas that you just can’t seem to shift?

Getting rid of problem fat areas has never been easier with access to a non-invasive, non surgical procedure with truSculpt.

No surgery, no down-time, simple, easy and painless!

How does truSculpt work?

The revolutionary radio frequency technology of truSculpt is designed to heat tissue at a deeper level which therapeutically kills fat cells so that they can be eradicated by the body.

So many benefits of truSculpt!

  1. non-invasive
  2. no down-time
  3. no surgery
  4. results after 1 session
  5. Can be used on most areas of the body (thighs, arms, buttocks, neck)
  6. Your clinician will have full control over the depth of treatment and heat applied
  7. Safe for all skin types
  8. Treatment time spans from 20 minutes to approximately an hour
  9. Can temporarily reduce cellulite
  10. is comfortable
  11. is safe
  12. is FDA approved for body sculpting and body contouring

How many more reasons do you need!

Book in now before summer

Contact us now to get your summer body ready!

Read more about truSculpt.


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New Lambton, NSW, 2305

Monday 8:30am to 5:00pm
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