
Trusculpt can remove stubborn fat with revolutionary radio frequency technology

This advanced technology is designed to heat tissue at a deeper level which therapeutically kills fat cells so that they can be eradicated by the body. This non-surgical procedure is designed to be comfortable and safe, and is FDA approved for body sculpting and body contouring.



Benefits of truSculpt

  • Can be used on most areas of the body (thighs, arms, buttocks, neck)
  • Your clinician will have full control over the depth of treatment and heat applied
  • Safe for all skin types
  • Treatment time spans from 20 minutes to approximately an hour
  • Can temporarily reduce cellulite

What’s involved in the process of truSculpt?

Your clinician at Hunter Laser Centre will ensure you are comfortable and then begin treatment. The handpiece will be placed on the skin and a reasonable depth and heat level will be set. The radio frequency (RF) pulse will penetrate the deeper layers of tissue and begin treating the fat cells.

Will treatment be painful?

truSculpt is specifically designed to be comfortable and therefore generally does not require any pain medication including topical or oral medication. While this treatment utilises heat, the intensity of this can be altered depending on your condition and comfort levels. Your clinician at Hunter Laser Centre will monitor your comfort throughout every stage of treatment and will listen to any concerns that you have.

When will I see results?

Most patients will require 3-4 treatments of truSculpt for the most significant results. These are generally spaced about 2 months apart so that your body has time to respond to treatment.

You should begin to see the full extent of results approximately 12 weeks after treatment, with first signs of results after 4 weeks. Keep in mind that results will vary from patient to patient, which includes how quickly your body responds to treatment.


Am I a suitable candidate for truSculpt?

There are some individuals that cannot receive truSculpt treatment, including: pregnant women, people with pacemakers/internal defibrillators, people with tumours in the targeted area and individuals with joint replacements. You should also consider whether your expectations of treatment are reasonable as this treatment should not be viewed as an alternative to liposuction, or an alternative to losing weight through exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

If you would like to know more about truSculpt, or how the team at Hunter Laser Centre can help you, please contact us today.

Visiting us is easy

0409 756 865

23 Alma Road,
New Lambton, NSW, 2305

Monday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
Saturday On request
Sunday Closed
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