Menopause and incontinence – we can help!

Incontinence treatment

Are you experiencing signs of menopause, such as hot flushes, hormonal fluctuations, reduced sex drive, or urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence or light bladder leakage (LBL) is the accidental leakage of urine from the bladder. LBL is a common condition which can happen at any age but most commonly in women aged forty and over.

Over time the tissue and pelvic muscles that create a delicate support structure for the vagina can decrease in elasticity and weaken. These muscles control your bladder and bowel, so as they weaken, you will feel the urge to visit the bathroom more often, and your ability to hold on will decrease, possibly leading to some uncomfortable and embarrassing situations.

At Hunter Laser, we don’t want you to have to put up with those embarrassing situations. We want you to lead a normal and active life before and after menopause, and you can with the help of laser treatment.

Here at Hunter Laser Centre in Newcastle we use the IncontiLase™ laser to tighten the vaginal walls (mucosal tissue) and improve function of pelvic floor muscles. These muscles and tissue are responsible for supporting the bladder and improving bladder control. The procedure itself will involve applying laser to the vaginal wall, urethral orifice and vestibule area. These all work together to decrease different types of incontinence including:

  • Stress incontinence
  • LBL due to childbirth (which is more common the more children you have)
  • Incontinence due to weak pelvic floor muscles
  • Incontinence due to atrophy (vaginal ageing / menopause)

The IncontiLase™ laser is a safe and less invasive alternative to surgery and provides effective relief from LBL. Its many benefits include:

  • Non-surgical and incisionless technology
  • It often only requires two treatments (occasionally another will be recommended)
  • It’s a walk in and walk out procedure
  • Little to no downtime
  • No antibiotics or medications required afterwards

We understand that pelvic concerns can be embarrassing to address, but please be assured that this is a very common complaint and we are a medical facility with highly qualified and experienced doctors who are understanding and supportive of sensitive female conditions.

We also have a team of female nurses who are ready to ensure you are comfortable throughout any of our procedures at our laser centre in Kotara, Newcastle.

Read more about IncontiLase and Urinary Incontinence, or Contact us now to book a consultation.

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