A weak bladder in your 30’s and 40’s? You aren’t alone!

Women 30's and 40's light bladder leakage

A weak bladder or light bladder leakage (LBL) doesn’t only impact ladies of menopausal age, LBL can affect women of all ages with many women first noticing light bladder leakage in their 30’s and 40’s (even 20’s) often after pregnancy and child-birth.

Have you had an embarrassing moment where you coughed or laughed too hard and then felt a trickle? Have you been in the middle of an aerobics class or even playing with the kids in the backyard and thought hmmm did I just wet myself? These symptoms of LBL are very common but rarely talked about.

At this stage of life you want to be able to stay active, (and laugh really hard if you want to!), so don’t let LBL control your ability to live your life to the fullest!

Pelvic Floor Exercises Not Enough?

It’s always a great idea to do your pelvic floor exercises, but sometimes they aren’t enough to rectify damage that may have caused to your body during childbirth, causing you to experience LBL.

Don’t put up with urinary incontinence for the rest of your life. Take control and give Hunter Laser a call. We offer laser treatment that helps to rectify LBL and will have you leading a normal active life again.

IncontiLase™ Laser Treatment for LBL

At Hunter Laser we use the IncontiLase™ laser to tighten the mucosal tissue and improve function of pelvic floor muscles. These muscles and tissue are responsible for supporting the bladder and improving bladder control. The procedure itself will involve applying laser to the vaginal wall, urethral orifice and vestibule area.

Types of incontinence treated by IncontiLase™

  • Stress incontinence
  • LBL due to childbirth (which is more common the more children you have)
  • Incontinence due to weak pelvic floor muscles
  • Incontinence due to atrophy (vaginal ageing)

The IncontiLase™ laser is a safe and less invasive alternative to surgery and provides effective relief from LBL.

Benefits of IncontiLase™ laser include:

  • Non-surgical and incisionless technology
  • It often only requires two treatments (occasionally another will be recommended)
  • It’s a walk in and walk out procedure
  • Little to no downtime
  • No antibiotics or medications required afterwards

Here is some more information on urinary incontinence and IncontiLase.

Contact us today to make an appointment and stop living with a weak bladder now.

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