Laser treatments and pregnancy

Many women are concerned about laser treatments and pregnancy – future or current

Of course it is natural to worry about the health of your baby or your ability to have children in the future. This can be even more of a concern when you are receiving laser treatment in close proximity to areas such as the ovaries or womb. However, when it comes to lasers it’s important to remember that they simply use intensified and concentrated natural light.

Can I have a baby after vaginal laser treatment?

Laser light cannot penetrate far enough to harm the ovaries or other organs that are responsible for reproduction. Therefore vaginal tightening, prolapse or LBL laser treatment is also acceptable even if you want to have children in your future. We still encourage you to let your doctor know of your plans to have children in the future, as all communication will be helpful throughout treatment.

Will pain be worse or the same giving birth after vaginal rejuvenation?

The purpose of vaginal tightening treatment is to re-tighten the elasticity of the vagina by treating the mucosa and inducing collagen synthesis (creation). This is intended to restore the vagina back to the tightness before birth – although results may vary depending on the patient. Giving birth to a child after the procedure should not be any more painful than the previous child. You can also receive a second laser treatment after giving birth if you would like a vaginal laser tightening treatment revision.

Pregnancy can induce problems that can be treated by vaginal laser treatment

Pregnancy is also a common cause of LBL (light bladder leakage) no matter whether a caesarean is performed or natural birth occurs. This is because pressure is placed on the bladder during pregnancy which makes the body susceptible to LBL and the habit of going to the bathroom more frequently. Urine incontinency can be treated with laser therapy which improves bladder control. Find out more about this treatment here.

If you are interested in your primary or secondary vaginal laser treatment, or laser for LBL please visit our clinic in Kotara, Newcastle.

Book a consultation today. 

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